« Il faut maintenant s’attendre à tout ! » – Daniel Warner


« Avec l’attentat, il est devenu intouchable » – Daniel Warner

00:00 : Prélude
00:55 : Avertissement
01:07 : Rencontre avec le politologue Daniel Warner
01:50 : Pronostics pour les élections de 2024
02:33 : Retour sur la tentative d’assassinat de Donald Trump
04:37 : Les démocrates prendront-ils le dessus ?
05:50 : Le futur Congrès
06:21 : Trump, une catastrophe économique ?
08:20 : Bilan du mandat Biden
09:49 : Trump et le Moyen-Orient
11:26 : Bien agir à l’international
12:02 : Trump face à la Chine
16:56 : Peut-on encore parler de démocratie et de droits humains aux USA ?
19:24 : Trump : une mentalité de lutte
21:25 : Make America Great Again ?
22:19 : Procès contre Trump
24:44 : Les États-Unis ont-ils encore de l’espoir ?

In this interview, Mr. Warner, an American-Swiss political scientist, offers an in-depth analysis of the 2024 US presidential elections, highlighting the current political dynamics and the challenges ahead. He emphasizes that Donald Trump is currently the favorite but acknowledges that the situation remains uncertain until election day. The recent assassination attempt on Trump has boosted his popularity, creating sympathy similar to what Ronald Reagan experienced after being wounded in 1981.

Mr. Warner also discusses economic and social challenges, criticizing Trump’s tax policy for favoring the wealthy and widening inequalities. He addresses Joe Biden’s weaknesses, notably his age and declining popularity, while recognizing his efforts to balance the economy and create jobs.

On the international front, Mr. Warner is skeptical about Trump’s ability to handle complex crises, pointing out his lack of diplomatic experience and tendency to prioritize short-term American interests. He also expresses concerns about relations with China and Russia.

Finally, Mr. Warner expresses hope that younger generations will become more politically engaged, despite the current climate of violence and division in the United States. He concludes by expressing his desire for American democratic values to endure and inspire the world.

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